Awakening Essence

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The Co-Creative Cycle

Cocreative Cycle

How do you approach your dreams, desires and plans? Do you set an intention and forget it? Or maybe you plan out every single detail on a spreadsheet? Both? Or do nothing at all?

Earlier this month I offered a creative way to design a theme, less rigid than a standard goal, but it provides clarity regarding your direction. And perhaps you ended up with a list of projects or ideas that would support your desires. Now what?

There are many ways to look at the co-creative cycle and how we manifest our projects and dreams.

This is one perspective on how to be more aware of the process and the importance of our role in manifesting it.


This comes as a result of pondering ideas that interest you. One catches your attention and begins to form. You roll it around, giving it more thought, exploring and playing with what it could be. Your interest grows. You begin to feel inspired by your idea and excitement begins to build.

The enthusiasm can bring on great passion. Emotions jump on board with a resounding “YES” and your emotions become fuel - Energy in Motion (E-Motion).


Assimilation occurs when you internalize this exciting energy that has been building. It creates tension between where you are and where you want to be, which can be used in beneficial ways. Let desire be a healthy motivator to “roll up your sleeves” and take part in what you want to accomplish.

It will serve you best if you consciously choose the emotions you are expressing when it comes to taking part in creating this reality.  It’s more effective to be motived by the joy of growing your own food rather than by the fear of going hungry or lack from not enough.

As your project comes to life, there’s a flow to it and various details to tend to as you create.

As you begin, you will use those skills you already have – actions that are automatic. This increases and moves the energy of your intention out into the world.

Momentum builds.


Connections begin to occur, resources become available and your efforts begin to create progress towards your desired result. The project begins to take on a life of its own.

New ideas are generated as well as opportunities to develop new skills.

Because they are new skills, you are very deliberate in your actions. Focus increases, creating more energy. Once your new skills are learned, they move from deliberate to automatic, adding another facet to your being. You grow not only in your skillset and confidence, but in your belief of what is possible. It is now something you own. As you give to your projects, they give to you.


As you near the completion, you will put on the finishing touches. Be mindful to not get caught up in the finishing touches forever. It’s then time to celebrate your accomplishment and the journey you took to get it done.

You can get stuck anywhere throughout the process for a number of reasons. Knowing where your favorite ‘stops’ may show up empowers you to plan for those moments when you need additional support. Maybe it’s as simple as seeing it, saying “Ah, this is where I tend to get stuck. This time I will move through this rather than staying here.”

Or, if you’re with a group, this is where the beauty of a good group shines – everyone brings their best to the table, generating connections, uplift and respect for the unique contribution that each person brings.

The more you master yourself and where you place your energy, the more satisfied and peaceful you will feel about yourself and all of life.