Why Me, Why Now

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I was brought up to smile, be quiet and agreeable. But under that meek female facade, the waters were turbulent, and I eventually sourced safety through being invisible. Over time, that provided me with deep observation skills, the ability to listen beneath what was being said and tap into the energy of situations.

In the last 20+ years many have called me a healer, a title I tend to refuse due to all the assumptions that come with it, a primary one being that there is something wrong that needs an outside correction. And that may be true, but it is also true that it may be a case of underdeveloped self-knowledge. Most feel disconnected from their inner world; the inner world that can provide them with wise guidance about living well and what that looks like for them.

But what is health and wellness? The basics – nutritious food, clean water, fresh air, deep sleep, movement and stillness. And then there are other basics – resilient expansive mind, balanced responsive emotions, flowing harmonious levels of energy thru ones being so you are better equipped to handle daily stress, anxiety and challenge because they are a necessary part of our lives.

Too often we are sold a quick fix to get rid of the discomfort. It may or may not work but either way, to bypass the real issue that is coming to light is doing a disservice to you, your life and all others. Each day is an adventure in navigating the natural flow of life – the highs & lows, twists & turns, and a few side steps here and there. That is all part of the journey. Some things we do with more smiles than other things, but never-the-less it all comes together to make you who you are, a unique being that is greatly valued and needed.

My path is one in service to healthy holistic living, with a focus on the emotional, subtle and energetic aspects. What if the ills of many were simply glitches, blocks or frozen parts where the energy (information) is not flowing – there is an issue, a project that needs attention but nothing inherently wrong. There is something there to open to, learn from, connect with and until you scoop it in to be with it, symptoms will persist. That part of you is working hard to get your attention and to communicate something, which is often meant to keep you safe in some way.  

Perhaps it’s time to deepen your inner connection, coming into better flow and balance, so you can be your own best authority on what you need. To develop and grow in your energetic awareness, strength and ability. As you develop greater coherence within, you will sense something is off before it manifests into a physical issue and tend to it quickly.  

So why now? Because we are living in a world of fear, uncertainty and massive change. And in asking the question – who are you being in these transformational times? – it is my desire to assist you to answer – I am being my empowered, brilliant self, whole-heartedly alive and aware,.

May we all contribute our unique gifts to the manifestation of a better world.

Coming Soon: Re-Wilding Yourself - A Journey to Live more Fully, Love more Deeply & Laugh more Often

Suzanne Schevene