As we express greater well-being in our lives through holistic self-care, energy awareness & personal expression, we will naturally bring more harmony, lightness and joy into our lives, along with greater clarity, presence and inspiring successes. What will you experience in my classes?

  • Ways of caring for yourself that deeply nourish & nurture all levels of your being

  • Learn to navigate, listen and trust your internal guidance system

  • Develop your emotional and energetic mastery

  • Align thoughts with intention and actions, reducing self sabotaging

  • Cultivate skills, attitudes and a way of being that expresses who you really are

  • Realize and utilize the power of each moment – create future by living in the present!

How to Harmonize & Nourish your Whole Being

holistic self care - nourish and nurture yourself

What is YOUR best self care? Discover YOUR way to nourish yourself holistically so that your inner resources can be strong, resilient and supportive.  When you live from a place of fullness all things are enhanced.

Embrace the art & science of holistic self care. You will contemplate, laugh, move, balance energy - a bit of education and a lot of juicy practical care, all in the comfort of your home. Pause. Reset. Learn what works best for you.


How to Energetically Align & Blossom in Your Life

Is your energy flowing well or does it feel stuck, blocked, leaky or frozen in time? You will learn to align your body, mind, heart & soul so you can show up and respond from a place of peaceful power & graceful strength.

You will be clean, clear and ready to welcome in the highs and lows, the twists and turns, the challenges and triumphs and experience the richness that life has to offer. It's the adventure of a lifetime. Your adventure in your lifetime. Make it yours to enjoy!

EMF Balancing Technique Training

EMF Balancing Technique 6-day training.

Strengthen & balance your personal energy and reach new levels of empowerment. Join us for this 6-day Electro-Magnetic Field (EMF) Balancing training! Some people take the classes to support their personal growth & development. Some choose to work on their friends & family, and others choose to offer it professionally. Whatever your reasons may be, you will find that it is a foundation upon which to build a more conscious, empowered life. Practitioner Internships available too. More info (PDF download)