Awakening Essence

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Behind the Scenes

My behind-the-scenes is a world of nature. When I was 12, I bought a plaque of an unnamed mountain with the words “Meet the Challenge” in the bottom right corner.  That was my inspiration for life and traveled with me for over 40 years. Even those years when I moved around with only what would fit in my car, I had music and this plaque.

One day I was hiking around Lost Lake. I paused to admire the view of the lake with Mt Hood in the background and I stood there, amazed. THIS WAS MY PLAQUE. This exact spot was the view on my plaque that kept me going through thick and thin, fear and trauma, joy and laughter. I couldn’t believe I stumbled upon the live version. I felt like I had returned home after a journey that nearly destroyed me, but didn’t. I was elated.

A few years passed as Kevin and I looked a home. Those with a view were too expensive but we found a wonderful spot nestled up against the eastern slopes of the Cascades. As we settled in and explored our surroundings a bit more, I again stopped in amazement with the realization that if we trimmed a few giant evergreens, we would have a view of Mt Hood. We had no idea there was a view like this when we bought it. I was elated.

So as I sit here today at my desk, I view my beloved mountain ever present, ever inspiring, ever stunning in the continual dance of nature in movement –  the morning sun on its eastern slopes, the passing clouds blowing through, the rain and snow, the rainbows, the peaceful sunsets on its west side. I am elated.

And it is from this place, I am inspired to create Re-Wilding Yourself as a journey home. And, yes of course, we visit Lost Lake along with the Pondering Pond, Luminous Lodge, the Whispering Winds and other places to nourish and nurture the depths of your being so you can uncover, recover and discover parts of yourself that you may have forgotten, locked away or are just now reclaiming.

All you need is an open, curious mind, the willingness to question old beliefs and a sense of humor, because we all fall in the mud at some point and we need to let that be ok. And if you can find the humor in that, you will be miles ahead of those who get stuck in the mud – and stay there.

Each day is an adventure with highs & lows, twists and turns and side steps as we move along. That’s all just part of the journey. Some things we do with more smiles than other things, but never-the-less it all comes together to form your life. So you may as well make the best of it, right?

And that is what I aim to do with this project – guide others to live life well through greater holistic awareness and personal empowerment. It should be a fun trip ….

If you’d like to offer an opinion on either of these taglines, I invite your opinion.

Tagline 1: A Journey to Live more Fully, Love more Deeply & Laugh more Often

Tagline 2: A Journey to Reunite with your Calm Center, Gain Clarity and Learn the Skills to Live Life Well