The Journey Home

Graduation is this week for my teaching certification in Intentional Creativity. The image is of the front cover of my final project, my Initiate Book. It’s been an incredible journey and right now I simply need to marinate in all that juiciness.

One of the premises is to make what you make with love and hold the awareness that you are doing just that – creating with love. It alters the approach you take to making it as well as the outcome. I’m sure you’ve experienced this – 2 baristas can make the same coffee drink using the same ingredients, but the outcome will be different. Energy is infused into all that we do, so ideally make what you make with love or don’t do it (perhaps another time would be better.).

I’ve recently taken on learning about sourdough baking. The Starter needs to be nourished. It needs time to integrate, grow and expand. To become what or who it is (the majority of people name their starter since it is much like having a child). If you don’t tend to it, it will die. With love & nourishment, it will flourish.

So August is marinating time. I’ll be painting, posting and tending to home things – garden, food and fun. All with the starting point of doing it with love. May love be at the center of all choices (I put this statement on the ‘Yes, I will’ painting I gave to Kevin when he asked me to marry him – and in case you’re wondering, he waited 3 weeks for my response. He’s a patient man. :)