Here we are ... now what?


Here we are …

Now What?

These times mark a turning point in history where humanity has the opportunity to choose. And with so many dis-empowered, choosing is not a skill they have cultivated. And that is ok but it creates mass confusion when they don’t know who to follow or who is speaking truth – they tend to follow the one that seems to provide the safest space. When people are in fear, they are easily manipulated.

Those liberated from the shadows of being a follower are in a powerful position to support a new reality, a new world. To do so requires one to be grounded in the truth of their being, their true essence, of love and light. And to know how to hold that, or to return to it when things seem to go awry.

For it is in the sovereignty of your being that your gentle power and graceful strength lives. It is within the connection to your Self that your innate wisdom guides, supports and lives in each moment. Follow the path of deep inner connection and strength, and of sovereignty based in respect, integrity and compassion.

All are doing what they deem appropriate in order to make their world secure; many act out of fear or anger or grief and lash out. It is understandable. Others sink in the horror of what has been, the darkness that exists, the fear that is initiated by many. It is only when humanity awakens to the truth of who they are that things will shift.

Fighting war with war will not resolve it, but it may abate it to some degree.  All the while peaceful warriors are strengthening their energy, raising their frequencies, expanding in or out, once removed from the seeming chaos, to support the evolution of a new world. It begins at home, with each one of us.  To do your part, whatever your part is. You may be called to work on front lines or behind the scenes (which could simply mean paying more attention to your thoughts, words, actions) – it all matters for everyone is involved in this event.

In these days of change and opportunity, take the time to pause and be still. Notice what you notice – around you and within you. The sights, sounds, smells, sensations. 

Many speak of getting rid of stress but in its organic form it is necessary for a healthy life; it motivates you into action. But left unabated it causes damage over time in some form of dis-ease. The stress in the world right now is here to stay for the time being, so it is important to learn how to manage yourself – which means limiting your interaction with the news perhaps, using the skills you have to calm down and center yourself and utilizing the forms you most enjoy to activate the energies within that promote inner joy, peace, harmony and stillness.

Pause and listen. Notice what you notice. Feel what you feel. Be curious and open-minded. Is there an opportunity for healing, growth and expansion?

At times you will need to be with difficult emotions. Embrace them, knowing they are a part of you that is yearning to be heard and held safely. They aren’t the totality of who you are, but simply a part of you that is in pain. “I am noticing that a part of me is feeling ____. I am here with and for you” and just be present with it, without needing to change, fix or do anything.  

At times you will need to express. Perhaps writing, drawing or creating art will suit you in that moment. Other times when your whole body wants to express, utilize movement; dancing, walking, working your body in some way that feels good.

For many, throats are beginning to open more fully. Humming and singing will help in moving the energy through this area and to assist in speaking more clearly and effectively. Speaking out loud, to yourself or others, allows the voice to be heard. For me, writing also helps with this and sometimes that means writing songs to sing.

Nervous systems are being challenged to hold more energy. The Vagus nerve (longest nerve in body) is incredibly important for building resilience, reducing inflammation and so much more. And it’s easy to tone and keep in good shape by rhythmic, deep breathing, humming, singing, chanting, laughing, meditation, stretching, exercise, balancing the gut microbiome.

Nature is a great harmonizer. Spend time with the wind, the sun, the rain, the earth, the space in between. Observe and be with the animals, plants and other life forms that share the planet with us.

So notice what lifts you up, what feeds your soul, what helps you feel centered, safe, connected. Fill yourself up so that what you contribute to the world is offered from a place of fullness and overflow. Giving from this place is much healthier for you, others and the world, rather than giving from a place of scarcity and lack.

Take exceptional care of yourself, for you matter, a lot, as we move forward into uncharted territory.

I am grateful to be on this journey with you.
